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Please read these terms of use of this site carefully before browsing it. En using this site, you acknowledge being informed of these legal notices. Under the aArticle 6 of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, it is specified to users of the website?????? the identity of the various stakeholders in the context of its implementation and monitoring:

1.1. Editors


La Conciergerie marine is a micro-enterprise, registered with the RCS of ???  under the number ????
The head office: 17 Place du Voulien, 56470 La Trinité-sur-Mer
Telephone: 06 48  94 58 65
Fax: 06 48  94 58 65
Email: ????
Intra-community VAT number: FR34892558958
Share capital: €2,000
SIRET number: 89255895800013

VAT not applicable, art. 293B of the CGI.


1.2. Publication Director


Marine BEGU (manager)


1.3. Host


Host: Planet Hoster (Green hosting)
4416 Louis B Mayer
Laval, Quebec
Canada H7P0G1

Terms of use

1.1. General terms of use


Use of the La Conciergerie marine site implies full acceptance of the general conditions of use. These conditions of use may be modified or supplemented at any time, users of the site are therefore invited to consult them on a regular basis. Access to the site may be interrupted, in particular for maintenance reasons or for any other technical reason without this being able to engage its responsibility.


1.2.Cookies and hypertext links:


Cookies: The sitea Conciergerie marine may ask you to accept cookies for statistical and display purposes. A cookie is information placed on your hard drive by the server of the site you are visiting. It contains several pieces of data that are stored on your computer in a simple text file that a server accesses to read and save information. Certain parts of this site cannot be functional without the acceptance of cookies.


Hypertext links: The site Ia Conciergerie marine   contains a number of hypertext links to other sites, put in place with the authorization of Ia Marine Concierge . However, Ia Conciergerie marine does not have the possibility of verifying the content of the sites thus visited, and therefore assumes no responsibility for this fact.


1.3.Description of the services provided.


WebsiteIa Marine Concierge aims to provide information on all of the company's activities. La Conciergerie marine strives to provide information on the Site that is as accurate as possible. However, it cannot be held responsible for omissions, inaccuracies and deficiencies in the update, whether by itself or by the third party partners who provide it with this information.

All the information indicated on the sitesare given for information only, and are subject to change. Furthermore, the information on the site is not exhaustive.


1.4.Intellectual property :


All the content of this on the site ????? , including, but not limited to, graphics, images, text, videos, animations, sounds, logos, gifs and icons as well as their formatting are the exclusive property of the company with the exception of trademarks, logos or content belonging to other partner companies or authors.


Any reproduction, distribution, modification, adaptation, retransmission or publication, even partial, of these different elements is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of Marine Begu. This representation or reproduction, by any means whatsoever, constitutes an infringement punishable by articles L.335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code. Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes an infringement which may engage the civil and criminal liability of the counterfeiter. In addition, the owners of the copied Content may take legal action against you.



1.5. Declaration to the CNIL:


In accordance with law 78-17 of January 6, 1978 (amended by law 2004-801 of August 6, 2004 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data) relating to computers, files and freedoms, this site has not been declared to the National Commission for Computing and Freedoms (


The Conciergerie de l'Etang Blanc undertakes to respect the privacy of users and the confidentiality of their personal data when browsing the Site.


Data may be collected when the user:
• Navigates the Site
• Send a message via the contact form


The data collected on the Site is processed for the following purposes:
Provide services related to stewardship and concierge services
Respond to user questions and requests
Ensuring and improving the operation and security of the Site and adapting it to user requests



legal information

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